Agriculture Growth: January is the month of earning, farmers should do this work from now to increase the yield of crops

Agriculture Growth: January is the month of earning, farmers should do this work from now to increase the yield of crops

Agriculture Growth In India: It is getting cold in the country. North Indian states are in bad condition. Here a few days ago the temperature had reached below 0 degree Celsius. Still, the temperature remains very low in many parts of the country. It is being recorded here from 2 to 5 degree Celsius. The sowing of wheat, the main crop of rabi season, started in October. Its harvesting will be started in March-April. The current month is January. Cleanliness is very important for good yield of wheat crop. Experts say that weeds grown with wheat harm the crop. Avoidance of this is necessary. According to media reports, now the experts of Bihar have advised that with a little understanding, January can be made the month of earning in terms of agriculture. Farmers should just do this work. 

1. Agriculture Department says that sowing of wheat has been done. Wheat can be damaged by weeds. After the first irrigation, broad leaf weeds are produced in the field. To avoid this, 2.4-D sodium salt 80 percent should be sprayed at the rate of 500 grams per hectare. Spraying should be done in 25-30 days. 

2. If narrow leaf weeds are visible in the field, then 2 kg of Isoproteuron 50% or 75%, Spraying should be done at the rate of 2 kg per hectare. If this spraying is done with flat fan nozzle spray machine, better results can be seen. 

3. If there is a problem of stem borer, use 10 pheromone traps per hectare. Should be applied from If more is needed, Dimethoate 30 percent EC 750 should be sprayed by making a solution in water.

Wheat sowing has increased in these states of the country

If you look at the figures of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rajasthan has been sown in the maximum area in the country. It is more than two and a half lakh hectares. After this happened in Uttar Pradesh. Wheat crop has been sown in about 2.5 lakh hectare here. After this, more wheat has been sown in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, West Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir and Assam. The central government is happy to see the figures of wheat sowing this time. There is a possibility of record production of wheat this year. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Farmer brothers, before implementing any suggestion, do consult the concerned expert.

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